Some girls can never have enough jewels, but I’m that way with cinnamon.  I could never tire of this spice, and even though I’ve been drizzling honey and cinnamon on my toast and enjoying it in baked goods since I was a little girl, I am still finding new and exciting ways to use it. […]

As the weather grows warmer and the grass becomes greener and the gardens around us grow full, I begin craving the fruits of these changes, and I mean that quite literally. I begin craving fruit.  I love eating lots of fruit in the summer, and although it’s still too early for them to be in […]

I have fallen in love.  One bite, and I knew that cupcakes would never be the same again.  Imagine cupcakes that encapsulate the spellbinding allure of roses and the exotic spices of the east. You will be transported to lands far away, and I’m not sure that you’ll want to return to plain old vanilla […]

I thoroughly enjoyed answering Judit’s questions for my Liebster Award.  They were so thoughtful and unique, and I really appreciated that.  Judit is an extremely talented baker and I am very honoured that she chose me for a Liebster Award.  Her blog, When Judit Bakes, is a rare gem in the blog world, and I […]

The weather has been absolutely beautiful where I live, and I’ve been trying to go on many walks and soak up every last drop of it.  I did manage to squeeze in some time in the kitchen though.  Last night I made a delicious apple dessert because I had a lot of apples to use […]

I often like to experiment in the kitchen to see what will result if I change certain variables in what I am baking.  It is not enough for me to just follow a recipe, I want to understand the science behind it and be able to create my own.  I know I am young, and […]

So this is it.  My first blog post ever, and what do I give you?  A very ugly picture of some bubbly witch’s brew you had hoped you’d never have to see on a food blog that’s supposed to be about tantalizing treats.  My apologies, let me explain.  Not too many moons ago, I had […]